The verb coger is one of the most common verbs in Spanish. For this post, we'll study some verbs that end in - coger.
- Take (leaflet, etc.) - Coge lo que quieras. (Take what you like)
- Pick up (book) - Coge la revista del suelo. (Pick the magazine up off the floor)
- Catch (ball, robber) - Lo cogieron robando. (He was caught stealing)
- Find, Catch - No quiero que me coja la noche en la carretera. (I don't want to be driving when it's dark)
- Catch (illness) - Vas a coger frío. (You'll catch cold)
- Get (meaning) - No cogió el chiste. (He didn't get the joke)
- Hold on - Cógete de la barandilla. (Hold on to the railing)
- Take in - Europa acogió a refugiados. (Europe admitted refugees)
- Receive - Nos acogieron con cortesía. (They received us politely)
Acogerse a algo
- Have recourse to something - Se acogieron a la ley. (They had recourse to the law)
- Pick up (pen) - Recoger el lápiz del suelo. (Pick up the pen off the floor)
- Straighten up (room) - Recogieron la habitación. (They straighten up the room)
- Gather, Harvest (fruit, crops) - No llegó a recoger el fruto de su trabajo. (He was unable to deep the fruits of his labor)
- Fetch, Pick up (person) - El autobús pasará a recogernos. (The bus will come by to pick us up)
- Include - Esta acepción no la recoge ningún diccionario. (This meaning isn't included in any dictionary)
- Go home, Go to bed - Se recogió temprano. (He went to bed early)
- Choose - Escoge entre los dos. (Choose between the two of them)
- Shrink - El animal encogió el cuerpo de miedo. (The animal shrank back in fear)
- Move (emotionally), Terrify, Shock - Se sobrecogió cuando le atacó el perro. (He was terrified when the dog attacked him); La noticia de su repentina muerte sobrecogió a todos sus amigos y familiares. (The news of his sudden death overwhelmed all his friends and family)
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