Monday, August 19, 2024

Definite article and units of measurements

The definite article is used before units of weight or measure in Spanish where the indefinite article is required in English.

Estas manzanas cuestas 12 pesos el kilo.
These apples cost 12 pesos a kilo.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Definite article and parts of the body

The definite article is used with parts of the body and clothing instead of the possessive pronouns.

Debes ponerte el impermeable cuando está lloviendo. 
You should put on your raincoat when it's raining. 

Nos lavamos la cara. 
We washed our face. 

Los estudiantes levantaron la mano. 
The students raised their hands. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Definite article in days of the week

The definite article is used before names of the days of the week instead of en to translate the English "on".

Llegarán el viernes
They'll arrive on Friday.

Van a la iglesia los domingos. 
They go to church on Sundays. 

The article is not in used after any form of the verb ser. 

Hoy es domingo. 
Today is Sunday. 

Ayer fue sábado. 
Yesterday was Saturday. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Spanish verb family - Coger

The verb coger is one of the most common verbs in Spanish. For this post, we'll study some verbs that end in - coger

  • Take (leaflet, etc.) - Coge lo que quieras. (Take what you like) 
  • Pick up (book) - Coge la revista del suelo. (Pick the magazine up off the floor) 
  • Catch (ball, robber) - Lo cogieron robando. (He was caught stealing) 
  • Find, Catch - No quiero que me coja la noche en la carretera. (I don't want to be driving when it's dark)
  • Catch (illness) - Vas a coger frío. (You'll catch cold)
  • Get (meaning) - No cogió el chiste. (He didn't get the joke)

  • Hold on - Cógete de la barandilla (Hold on to the railing)

  • Take in - Europa acogió a refugiados (Europe admitted refugees)
  • Receive - Nos acogieron con cortesía. (They received us politely)

Acogerse a algo
  • Have recourse to something - Se acogieron a la ley. (They had recourse to the law)

  • Pick up (pen) - Recoger el lápiz del suelo. (Pick up the pen off the floor)
  • Straighten up (room) - Recogieron la habitación. (They straighten up the room)
  • Gather, Harvest (fruit, crops) - No llegó a recoger el fruto de su trabajo. (He was unable to deep the fruits of his labor)
  • Fetch, Pick up (person) - El autobús pasará a recogernos. (The bus will come by to pick us up)
  • Include - Esta acepción no la recoge ningún diccionario. (This meaning isn't included in any dictionary)

  • Go home, Go to bed - Se recogió temprano (He went to bed early)

  • Choose - Escoge entre los dos. (Choose between the two of them)

  • Shrink - El animal encogió el cuerpo de miedo. (The animal shrank back in fear)

  • Move (emotionally), Terrify - Se sobrecogió cuando le atacó el perro. (He was terrified when the dog attacked him) 

Definite article and units of measurements

The definite article is used before units of weight or measure in Spanish where the indefinite article is required in English. Estas manza...