Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Spanish verbs like "Gustar"

As a new learner of Spanish, it's a real struggle to figure out how the verb "Gustar" works, however when you finally get the hang of it, you are on your way to your Spanish mastery. Here I have a list of some verbs that work the same way as the verb "Gustar"

Verbs Meaning Sample sentence
Aburrir to bore Me aburre ver películas (I feel bored watching movies)
Agradar to like, to be nice Me agrada estar aquí (It's nice to be here)
Alegrar to make feel happy Me alegra saber que estás bien (I'm happy to know that you're OK)
Apenar to sadden Nos apena que tú tengas que irte (We're sad that you have to go)
Apetecer to feel like Me apetece comer espagueti (I feel like eating Spaghuetti)
Bastar to be enough Me bastó leer el primer párrafo para saber que era un genio (I only had to read the first paragraph to know that he was a genius)
Caer, Sentar, Sabe mal to put out Me cayó mal que no me invitaran (I was rather put out that they didn't ask me) 
Compensar, Valer la pena to be worth it Te compensa hacerlo (It's worth you doing it)
Convenir to be advisable Te convendría olvidar ese asunto (You would be well advised to forget all about this business)
Corresponder, Incumbir, Competer to be one's responsibility Te corresponde a tí cuidar al niño (It's your responsibility to take care of the child)
Costar trabajo to be difficult Me cuesta trabajo entender su acento (I have difficulties understanding his accent)
Chocar to be shocking Me choca mucho que la gente no respete la ley (It's shocking that people don't follow the law)
Dar + noun to make someone feel… etc
Dar igual to not care Me da igual (It doesn't matter)
Dar rabia to make angry  Me da rabia que los niños siempre hagan ruido (The noise the children make drives me mad)
Dar nostalgia to make feel nostalgic Le da nostalgia ver la casa de su abuela (Seeing her grandmother's house makes her feel nostalgic)
Dar miedo  to make feel scared A los niños les da miedo cruzar por la calle (The children are scared crossing the street)
Dar vergüenza  to make feel embarrased Me da vergüenza pedirle dinero a mis padres (I feel embarrassed asking money to my parents)
Desagradar to not like Me desagrada tener que decírselo (I don't like having to tell her)
Disgustar to upset Me disgustó mucho que me mintiera (I was very upset that he lied to me)
Doler to be hurt Les duele que digas eso (It hurts them that you're saying that)
Emocionar to be thrilled Nos emocionan ver películas de terror (We're thrilled about watching horror movies)
Encantar to love Te encanta pasear por la playa (You love walking along the beach)
Entusiasmar to be keen on Me entusiasma visitar España (I'm keen on visiting Spain)
Exasperar to be exasperating  Me exasperó tener que esperar (I found having to wait exasperating)
Extrañar to be strange Me extraña que no lo sepas (I'm surprised you don't know)
Faltar to be lacking Me faltan 3 dolares (I'm lacking three dollars; I need three dollars)
Fascinar to love Me fascina viajar (I love travelling)
Fastidiar to annoy Me fastidia tener que repetir las cosas (It annoys me to have to repeat things)
Hacer falta to need Me hacían falta 10 dolares para poder comprar el libro (I needed 10 dollars to buy the book)
Importar to matter A algunos hombres no les importa que su novia cobre más que ellos (Some men don't mind that their girlfriend earn more than them)
Impresionar to move, shock, surprise Me impresiona el accidente (The accident has taken be aback)
Interesar to be interested in Le interesa el fútbol (He's interested in soccer)
Molestar to annoy Me molesta el ruido de la ciudad (The city's noise annoys me)
Parecer + adjective/ adverb to seem … etc
Parecer bien to consider it right Me parece bien que ayudes a tus hermanos (I think it's right that you're helping your brothers)
Parecer injusto to think it's unfair Me parece injusto que no podamos participar (I think it's unfair that we can't join)
Preocupar to worry Me preocupa que sus hijos no vayan a la escuela (It worries me that her children don't go to school)
Quedar to have left Os quedan dos libros por leer (You still have two books to read)
Repugnar to be disgusting Me repugna beber de un vaso sucio (I find having to drink out of a dirty glass disgusting)
Ser + adjective to be… etc
Ser imposible to not be possible Me fue imposible ir a la cena (I couldn't go to the dinner)
Ser indiferente to not matter Me es indiferente quien lo haga (It doesn't matter who does it)
Servir to be useful Estos zapatos ya no me sirven (These shoes are no good to me )
Sobrar to have too much No me sobra el tiempo para hacerlo (I don't have enough time to do it)
Sorprender to be a surprise Me sorprende que no hables inglés (I'm surprised you don't speak English)

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