Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Spanish Verbal Periphrasis

A verbal periphrasis is a verbal construction made of two verb forms, a conjugated form and an impersonal form (an infinitive, a present participle, or a past participle). Verbal periphrasis is used in the informal future, the present progressive, and the perfect tenses.

For this post, I have compiled some of the most important Spanish verbal periphrasis that students should begin to learn.

Acabar DE (to have just done something; to just can't VERB something) – Acaba de darse cuenta de mi error. (I have just noticed my error); Acababa de entrar cuando sonó el teléfono. (He had just entered when the telephone rang); ¿Puedes echarme una mano cuando acabes de limpiar? (Can you give me a hand when you're done cleaning?); No acabo de entender por qué lo hizo. (I just can't understand why he did it); No me acaba de parecer bien que revises el correo de tu novio. (I just don't think it's right that you check your boyfriend's email)

Acabar GER (to end up doing something) - Me sigue pareciendo mal que acabara pagando la novia. (I still find it bad that the girlfriend ended up paying)

Andar GER (to get around doing something) – Anduvimos buscando la llave. (We were searching around for the keys)

Comenzar A (to start doing something) – La gente comenzó a preocuparse por el medio ambiente. (The people started to care about the environment)

Continuar GER (to continue doing something) - En cualquier caso continúa siendo optimista. (In any case he still is optimist); No creía que continuara lloviendo. (I didn't think it would continue raining)

Deber DE (must – expressing possibility) – Debe de ser muy caro estudiar en los Estados Unidos. (It must be very expensive to study in the US); Deben de haberse ido por aquí. (They must have gone this way); Deben de haberse dado cuenta de que tenemos problemas. (They must have noticed we have problems); Deben de haberse equivocado. (They must have been wrong)

Deber INF (must – expressing obligation) - No debes preocuparte. (You must not worry); Debería cambiarse cada mes. (It should be changed monthly);  No deberías haberla dejado sola. (You shouldn't have left her alone); Debíamos haber salido ayer (We should have left yesterday)

Dejar DE (to stop doing something) - Cuando deje de llover nos iremos. (When it stops raining we will go)

Dejar QUE (let someone/ something do something) - Deja que acabe de llover. (let the rain stop); Deja que me toque la lotería y verás. (Wait until I won the lottery and you'll see)

Estar GER (to be doing something) – Los niños están estudiando. (The children are studying)

Haber DE (must – expressing possibility and obligation) – Hemos de pagar la cuenta. (We have to pay the bill); Habían de ser las nueve cuando llegaron. (It must be 9 o'clock when they arirved)

Ir A (be going to do something) – Vamos a estudiar. (We are going to study)

Ir GER (be gradually doing something) - Id pensando en el tema que queréis tratar. (You can now start thinking about the topic you want to talk about); Hemos ido consiguiendo lo que queríamos. (We've been getting what we wanted); Voy comprendiendo que no te ha gustado. (I'm underdstanding that you didn't like it)

Llegar A (to come to do something, to achieve) - Llegó a conocer a varios directores de cine. (He got to meet some cinema directors); No llego a comprenderlo. (I just can't understand it); Me ha llegado a parecer bien que sólo le des 20 pesos a tu hijo, pues si le das más, se compra cualquier chuchería en la escuela. (I, now, think it's right that you only give 20 pesos to your son, if you give more, he'll buy junkfoods in school); Julia llegó a ser presidenta. (Julia became president); Temí no llegar a ver el año nuevo. (I'm afraid I can't get to new year)

No dejar DE (to keep on doing something; to be always ADJECTIVE; to can't help) - No deja de preguntarme por ti. (He keeps asking me about you); Eso no deja de tener gracia. (I always find that funny); No deja de ser raro que no haya venido. (It's odd you didn't come); No por eso deja de ser una tontería lo que has dicho. (That does not stop what you said from being silly); No puedo dejar de asombrarme. (I can't help be amazed); No dejes de visitarlos. (make sure you visit them); No me deja de parecer mal que les sigas pidiendo dinero a tus padres. (I have always thought it bad that you keep asking money to your parents); NOTE: When this periphrasis is used in a negative imperative sentence, its meaning changes to "to make sure to do something" as in "no dejes de visitarlos" which means "make sure to visit them".

Parar DE (to stop doing something) – No para de quejarse. (He doesn't stop complaining)

Poder INF (can, to be able to) – Puedo hacerlo yo solo. (I can do it alone); No se puede fumar (Smoking prohibited); ¿Me puede decir su nombre? (Can you tell me your name?)

Poder INF (indicates possibility) – No conozco a nadie que pueda haberlo hecho. (I don't know anyone that could have done it); Podrías haberte matado si no hubieras tenido cuidado. (You could have killed yourself if you hadn't been careful); Puede ser que tengas razón. (You could be right)

Seguir GER (to be still doing something; to keep on doing something) – Me preocupa que sigas cometiendo tantos errores. (I'm worried you keep on making a lot of erros)

Soler INF (to be doing something usuall ) – Solemos comenzar a las ocho. (We usually start at 8)

Tardar EN (to take much time in doing something) - No tarde usted en informarme. (Please tell me as soon as you know); No tardaron en darse cuenta de mi presencia. (They immediately noticed my presence)

Tener QUE (to have to do something, should) – Tengo que comprarlo. (I have to buy it); Tiene que dolerte mucho ¿no? (It hurts a lot, doesn't it?); ¡Tendrías que haberlo dicho antes! (You should have told us before)

Tener QUE (must – expresses supposition; same as deber de) - Se me tiene que haber caído por aquí. (I must have dropped it over here); Tiene que ser muy caro ir de vacaciones a Francia. (Going to France for the holidays must be very expensive)

Terminar DE (to not quite feel something – expresses uncertain feelings) - No me cae mal, pero no termina de convencerme. (I don't hate him, I'm not too sure about him); No me termina de gustar la casa que hemos visto. (I'm not sure about the house we've seen)

Venir A (to be more or less – expresses approximation) – “Perhaps” y “Maybe” vienen a significar lo mismo. (Perhaps and Maybe more or less mean the same thing)

Venir GER (to have been doing something) - Eso lo vengo diciendo desde hace tiempo. (I've been saying that since a long time ago)

Volver A (to do something again) – Por favor, no lo vuelvas a hacer. (Don't do it again, please)

If you have any question about the usage of these Spanish verbal periphrasis, please leave a comment below.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Spanish verbs like "Gustar"

As a new learner of Spanish, it's a real struggle to figure out how the verb "Gustar" works, however when you finally get the hang of it, you are on your way to your Spanish mastery. Here I have a list of some verbs that work the same way as the verb "Gustar"

Verbs Meaning Sample sentence
Aburrir to bore Me aburre ver películas (I feel bored watching movies)
Agradar to like, to be nice Me agrada estar aquí (It's nice to be here)
Alegrar to make feel happy Me alegra saber que estás bien (I'm happy to know that you're OK)
Apenar to sadden Nos apena que tú tengas que irte (We're sad that you have to go)
Apetecer to feel like Me apetece comer espagueti (I feel like eating Spaghuetti)
Bastar to be enough Me bastó leer el primer párrafo para saber que era un genio (I only had to read the first paragraph to know that he was a genius)
Caer, Sentar, Sabe mal to put out Me cayó mal que no me invitaran (I was rather put out that they didn't ask me) 
Compensar, Valer la pena to be worth it Te compensa hacerlo (It's worth you doing it)
Convenir to be advisable Te convendría olvidar ese asunto (You would be well advised to forget all about this business)
Corresponder, Incumbir, Competer to be one's responsibility Te corresponde a tí cuidar al niño (It's your responsibility to take care of the child)
Costar trabajo to be difficult Me cuesta trabajo entender su acento (I have difficulties understanding his accent)
Chocar to be shocking Me choca mucho que la gente no respete la ley (It's shocking that people don't follow the law)
Dar + noun to make someone feel… etc
Dar igual to not care Me da igual (It doesn't matter)
Dar rabia to make angry  Me da rabia que los niños siempre hagan ruido (The noise the children make drives me mad)
Dar nostalgia to make feel nostalgic Le da nostalgia ver la casa de su abuela (Seeing her grandmother's house makes her feel nostalgic)
Dar miedo  to make feel scared A los niños les da miedo cruzar por la calle (The children are scared crossing the street)
Dar vergüenza  to make feel embarrased Me da vergüenza pedirle dinero a mis padres (I feel embarrassed asking money to my parents)
Desagradar to not like Me desagrada tener que decírselo (I don't like having to tell her)
Disgustar to upset Me disgustó mucho que me mintiera (I was very upset that he lied to me)
Doler to be hurt Les duele que digas eso (It hurts them that you're saying that)
Emocionar to be thrilled Nos emocionan ver películas de terror (We're thrilled about watching horror movies)
Encantar to love Te encanta pasear por la playa (You love walking along the beach)
Entusiasmar to be keen on Me entusiasma visitar España (I'm keen on visiting Spain)
Exasperar to be exasperating  Me exasperó tener que esperar (I found having to wait exasperating)
Extrañar to be strange Me extraña que no lo sepas (I'm surprised you don't know)
Faltar to be lacking Me faltan 3 dolares (I'm lacking three dollars; I need three dollars)
Fascinar to love Me fascina viajar (I love travelling)
Fastidiar to annoy Me fastidia tener que repetir las cosas (It annoys me to have to repeat things)
Hacer falta to need Me hacían falta 10 dolares para poder comprar el libro (I needed 10 dollars to buy the book)
Importar to matter A algunos hombres no les importa que su novia cobre más que ellos (Some men don't mind that their girlfriend earn more than them)
Impresionar to move, shock, surprise Me impresiona el accidente (The accident has taken be aback)
Interesar to be interested in Le interesa el fútbol (He's interested in soccer)
Molestar to annoy Me molesta el ruido de la ciudad (The city's noise annoys me)
Parecer + adjective/ adverb to seem … etc
Parecer bien to consider it right Me parece bien que ayudes a tus hermanos (I think it's right that you're helping your brothers)
Parecer injusto to think it's unfair Me parece injusto que no podamos participar (I think it's unfair that we can't join)
Preocupar to worry Me preocupa que sus hijos no vayan a la escuela (It worries me that her children don't go to school)
Quedar to have left Os quedan dos libros por leer (You still have two books to read)
Repugnar to be disgusting Me repugna beber de un vaso sucio (I find having to drink out of a dirty glass disgusting)
Ser + adjective to be… etc
Ser imposible to not be possible Me fue imposible ir a la cena (I couldn't go to the dinner)
Ser indiferente to not matter Me es indiferente quien lo haga (It doesn't matter who does it)
Servir to be useful Estos zapatos ya no me sirven (These shoes are no good to me )
Sobrar to have too much No me sobra el tiempo para hacerlo (I don't have enough time to do it)
Sorprender to be a surprise Me sorprende que no hables inglés (I'm surprised you don't speak English)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

100 most common Spanish verbs - Part 4

Meaning Sample sentence
aceptar  to accept, approve, to agree to No acepto la oferta (I'm not accepting the offer)
realizar  to carry out Realizó una magnifica labor (She did a magnificent job)
suponer  to suppose Supongo que se habrá ido (I supposed he's gone)
comprender  to understand, comprehend No comprendo la instrucción (I don't understand the instruction)
lograr  to get, obtain, to achieve, attain Logró el quinto puesto (She managed fifth place)
explicar  to explain Explícame qué fue lo que pasó (Explain me what happened)
preguntar  to ask, inquire ¡Deja de preguntar, por favor! (Please stop asking)
tocar  to touch, to play (an instrument) ¡No me toques! (Don't touch me!)
reconocer  to recognize No te reconocí (I didn't recognize you)
estudiar  to study Sigo estudiando (I'm still studying)
alcanzar  to reach, catch up No alcanzo las cajas (I can't reach the boxes)
nacer  to be born Nací en 1991 (I was born in 1991)
dirigir  to direct Hay que dirigir todos nuestros esfuerzos hacia este fin (We must direct all our efforts to this end)
correr  to run Tuve que correr para no llegar tarde (I had to run so as not to arrive late)
utilizar  to use, utilize La están utilizando (She's being used)
pagar  to pay, pay for Hay que pagar antes de entrar (You have to pay first before entering)
ayudar  to help Ayudan a empresas en apuros (They help companies in difficulty)
gustar  to please, be pleasing Me gusta el rojo (I like the red one)
jugar  to play (a game or sport) Los niños juegan después de la clase (The children play after class)
escuchar  to listen, hear Escúchame cuando te hablo (Listen to me when I'm talking to you)
cumplir  to fulfil, carry out Siempre cumple su promesa (He always keeps his promise)
ofrecer  to offer Me ofreció un té (He offered us tea)
descubrir  to discover Descubrí que me estaba mintiendo (I discovered he's lying to me)
levantar  to raise, to lift Que levante la mano quien quiere irse (Those who want to go, please raise your hand)
intentar  to try, attempt Hay que intentarlo otra vez (We have to try it again)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

100 most common Spanish verbs - Part 3

meaning Sample sentences
terminar  to finish, end Terminaron el trabajo muy pronto (They finished off the work too soon)
permitir  to permit, allow Sus padres no le permiten salir muy tarde (Her parents don't allow her to go out late)
aparecer  to appear, show up La fecha de compra aparece en la factura (The sale date appears in the invoice)
conseguir  to get, obtain Siempre consigo lo que quiero (I always get what I want)
comenzar  to begin, start, commence Comencé a darme cuenta del error (I started to notice the error)
servir  to serve Seguiré sirviendo al pueblo (I will continue to serve the people)
sacar  to take out, stick out Saca al perro de aquí (take the dog out of here)
necesitar  to need, require Necesito tu ayuda (I need your help)
mantener  to maintain, get Mantener las tradiciones (Maintain the traditions)
resultar  to turn out (to be) Resulté ser yo quien tuviera que hacerlo (I turned out to be the one who had to do it)
leer  to read ¿tú lees la biblia? (Do you read the bible?)
caer  to fall Los precios caen (Prices fall)
cambiar  to change Estamos pensando en cambiar el color de la pared (We're thinking of changing the wall's color)
presentar  to introduce Te presentaré a mis padres (I'll introduce you to my parents)
crear  to create, to make El bloqueo ha creado una situación insostenible (The blockade has created an untenable situation)
abrir  to open La tienda no abre por la mañana (The store doesn't open in the morning)
considerar  to consider Considero que es injusto (I consider it unfair)
oír  to hear ¿Me oyes? (Do you hear me?)
acabar  to finish, end Acabaron con la comida en un minuto (They finished off the food within a minute)
convertir  to convert, change Convirtieron la habitación en un despacho (They converted the room into an office)
ganar  to win, gain, earn, get, acquire Ganaron la partida (They won the game)
formar  to form, shape, fashion, make Formaron la organización (They formed the organization)
traer  to bring, to get, fetch, to carry Tráeme un vaso de agua (Bring me a glass of water)
partir  to divide, to leave Parte el pan por la mitad (Cut the bread in half)
morir  to die Muchas personan mueren por cáncer (Many people die of cancer)

Monday, January 2, 2017

100 most common Spanish verbs - Part 2

Meaning Sample sentence
venir  to come No puedo venir con vosotros (I can't come with you)
pensar  to think No quiero pensar en nuestros problemas (I don't want to think about our problems)
salir  to leave, go out Debemos salir cuanto antes (We have to leave as soon as possible)
volver  to return, go back, come back Dice que nunca más volverá (He says that he won't ever come back)
tomar  to take, drink Toma lo que quieras (Take whatever you want)
conocer  to know (people, places) Te conozco (I know you)
vivir  to live Vivimos tres años en España (We lived for three years in Spain)
sentir  to feel, regret Siento frío (I'm cold)
tratar  to treat, handle Su novio la trata muy mal (Her boyfriend treats her very badly)
mirar  to watch, look at Estaba mirando la foto (She was looking at the photo)
contar  to count, relate, tell Cuenta cuántos alumnos hay en la clase (Count how many pupils there are in the class)
empezar  to begin, start La misa empieza a las nueve (The mass starts at nine)
esperar  to wait for, to hope Te espero en el parque (I'll be waiting for you in the park)
buscar  to search for, look for Tuvimos que buscarlo por todas partes (We had to look for it everywhere)
existir  to exist Esta empresa existe desde hace diez años (The company has been in existence for 10 years)
entrar  to enter, go in, come in Entré en el despacho (I went into the office)
trabajar  to work No trabajo (I don't work)
escribir  to write Escribe una novela (He's writing a novel)
perder  to lose Estoy perdiendo la paciencia (I'm losing patience)
producir  to produce Esta fábrica ha producido cinco mil vehículos en un mes (This factory has produced five thousand vehicles in a month)
ocurrir  to occur, happen El accidente ocurrió cuando estábamos comiendo (The accident happened when we were eating)
entender  to understand No entiendo lo que quieres decir (I don't understand what you mean)
pedir  to request, ask for Pídele dinero a tus padres (Ask money to your parents)
recibir  to receive, to welcome, greet No he recibido ningún regalo (I haven't received any gift)
recordar  to remember, remind Recuerda que hay que terminarlo hoy (Remember that we have to finish this today)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

100 most common Spanish verbs - Part 1

Meaning Sample sentence
ser  to be (permanent quality) Soy alto (I'm tall)
haber  to have ( auxiliary verb) He comido (I have eaten)
estar  to be (health, location, state) Estoy feliz (I'm happy)
tener  to have Tengo 3 hermanos (I have three brothers)
hacer  to do, make Tú no haces nada (You're nor doing anything)
poder  to be able, can Yo puedo ayudarte (I can help you)
decir  to say, tell Siempre dice mentiras (He always tells lies)
ir  to go Vamos a la playa cada verano (We go to the beach every summer)
ver  to see No te veo (I can't see you)
dar  to give No quiero darte problemas (I don't want to give you problems)
saber  to know (information) Sé cuál es su nombre (I know what his name is)
querer  to want, love Yo te quiero (I love you)
llegar  to arrive, come, reach El tren llegará en cinco mionutos (The train will arrive in five minutes)
pasar  to pass ¿Me pasas la sal? (Will you pass me the salt?)
deber  must, should, ought to Debes trabajar (You must work)
poner  to put, place, set Puse los libros en la mesa (I put the books on the table)
parecer  to seem, appear Parece que ha llovido tanto (It seems it has rained so much)
quedar  to stay, remain Quedaron allí una semana (They stayed there a week)
creer  to believe Creo que se han perdido (I believe they've got lost)
hablar  to speak ¿Hablas español? (Do you speak Spanish)
llevar  to take Por favor, lleva los platos a la cocina (Please, take the plates to the kitchen)
dejar  to leave something Podemos dejar el gato aquí (We can leave the cat here)
seguir  to follow, continue Debes seguir la instrucción (You have to follow the instructions)
encontrar  to find, encounter No encuentro las llaves (I can't find the keys)
llamar  to call, to name Prefiero llamar por teléfono (I prefer to call by phone)

Definite article and units of measurements

The definite article is used before units of weight or measure in Spanish where the indefinite article is required in English. Estas manza...